Successful Launch Event at Gramedia Highlights Strategic Philanthropy: Indonesian Edition of A Philanthropist's Guide to Giving Now Available

Jakarta, 23 August 2024 – "Strategic philanthropy has the power to transform communities and create lasting impact." This powerful message was echoed throughout the launch of the Indonesian edition of A Philanthropist's Guide to Giving: Berbagai Pemahaman Khas Asia dari Asia Philanthropy Circle, held at Gramedia Grand Indonesia today. The event, a collaboration between Gramedia, Bakti Barito Foundation, and Indonesia Philanthropy Association, brought together key figures in the philanthropic sector to explore the significance of this newly translated guide.

The book, enriched with 31 case studies from eight countries across Asia, was created with the extensive contributions from Asia Philanthropy Circle (APC) members. Led by Bakti Barito Foundation, which was founded by renowned philanthropist Prajogo Pangestu, this edition aims to inspire and facilitate strategic philanthropy within the Indonesian-speaking community, contributing to the ongoing efforts to broaden and enhance giving capacity within the regional ecosystem.

Event Highlights

The event kicked off with an opening speech by Nathalie Indry from Gramedia, followed by a symbolic handover of the book’s cover from Gramedia to representatives of Bakti Barito Foundation and Indonesia Philanthropy Association. The book discussion that followed provided deep insights into the role of strategic philanthropy in Indonesia, with contributions from:

  • Dian A. Purbasari, Director of Bakti Barito Foundation and Vice Chairperson of the Indonesia Philanthropy Association Board of Directors
  • Gusman Yahya, Executive Director of Indonesia Philanthropy Association

During the discussion, the speakers highlighted the unique challenges and opportunities for Indonesian philanthropists compared to their counterparts in other Asian countries. They also emphasized the importance of engaging younger generations in philanthropy, setting the stage for a more impactful future.

"Today’s younger generation are more socially driven, and one of the goals of this book is to help us make that drive more systematic. This book is highly practical; whatever guidance you need can be inspired by it. It helps translate our motivation and passion into measurable action,” said Dian A. Purbasari, Director of Bakti Barito Foundation and Vice Chairperson of the Indonesia Philanthropy Association Board of Directors.

“Filantropi Indonesia is an association of philanthropy activists in Indonesia working to advance the philanthropy sector in accelerating social justice and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The book A Philanthropist's Guide to Giving can help philanthropists, especially those who want to learn about the basics of philanthropy and practical strategies to maximize the impact of their donations. The book also emphasizes the importance of collaboration in philanthropic activities. Collaboration, co-creation, and collective action are the spirit of philanthropic colleagues and are the keys to achieving more significant and sustainable change. This is also in line with the vision and mission of the Filantropi Indonesia,” said Gusman Yahya, Executive Director of Indonesia Philanthropy Association.

Engaging the Audience

The event concluded with an interactive Q&A session, where attendees had the opportunity to engage directly with the speakers. A lively quiz followed, with lucky participants winning exclusive giveaways.


The Indonesian edition of A Philanthropist's Guide to Giving is now available for purchase at Gramedia stores and online. This guide serves as an invaluable resource for both seasoned and emerging philanthropists, offering practical insights and strategies tailored to the Indonesian context.

About Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Founded in 1974, Gramedia Pustaka Utama is a part of Kompas Gramedia, Indonesia's largest media network. Gramedia Pustaka Utama focuses its publication on these 12 major areas: Adult Fiction, Young Adult Fiction, Children's Books, Literature, Business & Economy, Social Sciences, Self Improvement, Dictionary & Reference, Culinary Books and Beauty & Fashion. For more than 40 years Gramedia Pustaka Utama have been publishing many of Indonesia's best books and home to some of the finest writers. Indonesia's most established authors such as Ahmad Tohari, Eka Kurniawan, Ahmad Fuadi, Marga T., Alberthiene Endah, Clara Ng., Agustinus Wibowo, Hermawan Kertajaya, Franz Magnis-Suseno, as well as international authors like Enid Blyton, Paulo Coelho, J.K. Rowling, Agatha Christie, J.R.R. Tolkien, Malcolm Gladwell and Dale Carnegie have entrusted their works to be published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Today, with more than 30 thousand published titles and through its cooperation with more than 200 leading foreign publishers from the US, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Hong Kong, India, the Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Germany, Canada, Malaysia and Switzerland, Gramedia Pustaka Utama has solidified its position as one of the best publishers in Indonesia. In the future, Gramedia Pustaka Utama is committed to being the nation's agent of change: to choose and produce quality books, to expand horizons, to enlighten people and stimulate creative thinking, all with the support of cutting-edge technologies.

About Filantropi Indonesia

Established in 2007, Indonesia Philanthropy Association (Filantropi Indonesia) is an independent association of philanthropists that aims to advance the philanthropy sector in accelerating Indonesia’s social justice and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement.

Filantropi Indonesia is the central platform for credible philanthropists, philanthropic organizations, and thought leaders to advance members by strengthening capacity, accountability, organizational sustainability, networking, and forming partnerships to enhance the philanthropy ecosystem.

About Bakti Barito Foundation

Established in 2011, Bakti Barito Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Barito Pacific Group, an integrated energy company with diversified entities such as Chandra Asri Group, Barito Renewables (a sub-holding company for Star Energy Geothermal), Griya Idola, Petrindo, Petrosea and more. Guided by the enduring commitment of our founders, Prajogo Pangestu and his wife Harlina Tjandinegara, the foundation is dedicated to addressing Indonesia's environmental and educational challenges through collaborative initiatives with our partners and the communities we serve. For more information, please visit, or follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and X.

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